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Step by Step

Livingston Taylor
2002, L. Taylor/Morgan Creek Music (ASCAP)

Step by step
I'm walking my way to Canaan
Step by step
Never more I'll roam
God has a plan to please us
He gave us his son Jesus
Step by step
I'm coming home

I don't know when it started
When I first heard Satan's song
When I broke my mama's heart
By starting to go wrong
But the devil was so silky smooth
That I was taken in
And step by step
I walked the path
Of wickedness and sin

Make no mistake it was plenty fun
When I first turned away
From all the good that I'd been taught
About the righteous way
But a slinky painted woman
Had her arms around my neck
And with a couple of good time buddies
I figured what the heck

I started acting cool
I started skipping school
Started making a couple of bets
Started smoking cigarettes
Repeated gossip that I heard
Started huffing a little herb
Started drinking my uncle's gin
Started lying 'bout where I'd been
Bad crowd in a local bar
Joy ride in a stolen car
Wound up in the county jail
No one 'round to make my bail

Step by step
I walked away from Jesus
Step by step
I took the wrong track
Worldly pleasure and temptation
Became empty degradation
Step by step
I'm coming back

Sitting in that lonely cell
Lost as I could be
No one left on earth
Who'd admit to knowing me
All my friends and family
Completely burned and done
My daddy's words came back to me
When he said this day would come

Then a peace came over me
And I heard a simple voice
That spoke of forgiveness
And atonement for my choice
I fell down upon my knees
And out came all my lies
And the truth of the Son of God
Was right there at my side

Got back to reality
My faults belonged to me
Got rid of the grudge
Took my medicine from the judge
Got rid of the booze and dope
Cleaned my mouth with a little soap
Got a job at the corner store
Paid my debts and a little bit more
Got a copy of the Good Book
Opened it up and I took a look
Said "Devil, I'm not your slave"
Got to church and I got saved

Step by step
I came back to Jesus
Step by step
He opened up and let me in
The promise of his love
Is the promise from above
Step by step
Satan cannot win

Do not think this means
That pain has gone away
Or that heartache and deep sorrow
Cannot visit every day
But Satan has no weapon
No arrow, knife, or sword
That can take away the love
Of Jesus Christ the Lord

Step by step
He was walking right beside us
Step by step
He was with us all the way
From the moment of our birth
He had the measure of our worth
And he's walking us home
To judgement day